
A Postpone Nothing Moment CG-Utah

After losing someone she loved, artist Candy Chang painted the side of an abandoned house in her New Orleans neighborhood with chalkboard paint and stenciled the sentence, "Before I die I want to _____." Within a day of the wall's completion, it was covered in colorful chalk dreams as neighbors stopped and reflected on their lives. Since then, more than four hundred Before I Die walls have been created by people all over the world.

Candy Chang is an artist who believes in the power of our public spaces to help us make sense of our communities and ourselves.

Before I Die...

Before I die, I want to...

How Do You Flow?

Many people live their lives struggling against the current, while others use the flow like a mighty wind. The flow of the universe moves through everything. It’s in the rocks that form, get pounded into dust, and are blown away, the sprouting of a summer flower...

Why Do I Love the Way I Love: 4 Attachment Styles Explained

Dear Reader,We thought since sometimes couple do get together during the holidays it might be good to help our reads understand how they love. So if you meet the distant relative of your best friend at the Christmas party or you decide to get out there online so...

Thriller: A Thrill of a Lifetime!

A Postpone Nothing moment from the archives. A group of friends decided in September 2018 to learn the "Thriller" flash mob routine thinking it would be fun to trick or treat in their neighborhood and flash mob their neighbors. Gathering at homes and practicing...

New Treatments for Breast Cancer

The Postpone Nothing Team are not doctors and we are not giving medical advice in this blog post.  Each patient must advocate for themselves and make their own decisions along with their family and doctors. We are only sharing information. Please do your own...

The Benefits of Forest Bathing

Forest bathing, also known as "Shinrin-yoku" in Japan, and forest therapy are practices that involve immersing oneself in a natural forest environment for relaxation and well-being. Here are some of the benefits associated with these practices: 1. Stress Reduction:...

How to Be the Best Version of Yourself

 Physical Health:  • Exercise Regularly: Incorporate physical activity into your routine, whether it's through daily walks, gym workouts, yoga, or any activity you enjoy.  • Healthy Eating:Consume a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and...

Eating a Plant-Based Diet

Eating a plant-based diet can significantly contribute to mitigating climate change in several ways: 1. Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Livestock production, particularly beef and lamb, is a major source of methane and nitrous oxide emissions, potent greenhouse...

13 Ways to Help Climate Change

1. Reduce Energy Consumption: Use energy-efficient appliances and lighting, unplug electronics when not in use, and adjust your thermostat to conserve energy. 2. Choose Renewable Energy: If possible, switch to renewable energy sources like solar or wind power for...

Beavers are Eco Systems Engineers

When beavers build dams, they create wetlands that store water and trap sediment. This process has several positive effects on mitigating climate change: 1. **Carbon Sequestration:** Wetlands are known to be effective carbon sinks. When beavers create wetlands...

Recycle: Avoiding Contamination

  One of the significant issues in recycling is contamination of recyclable materials with non-recyclables, making it difficult to process and reuse the materials effectively.This occurs when non-recyclable or improperly sorted materials mix with recyclables....

Doug Tompkins and Patagonia

You 'll find the whole movie on Hulu. This documentary shows how Doug Tompkins became who he was and the challenges he faced with buying, conserving, protecting, and re-wilding, land in South America. It was not easy. As the film shows us though so worth it.

Featured Charity- West Side Food Bank Los Angeles

What is the Phantom Dinner? Every year the Westside Food Bank hosts their Annual Phantom Dinner! They decided many years ago not to hold a fancy Spring gala because of the cost and staff time required. Instead, they created a tradition of inviting the community to...

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